So, although I'm on vacation, I arose this mornig ready to work, @ protecting the POTUS. So here it comes, and as sad as it is to say, truly, I think there were some who were quietly hoping (to serve their own more long term interests and agendas) that Troy Davis got executed so that they could now, not only blame the POTUS (for not acting) but also, had he, blame him for getting involved in issues on state levels that he should not have. Yes, could the Pres. have made a last ditch plea to "stay" Troy Davis' execution, possiby and yet probably not suceeding at it based on the Supreme Court's stance on this case. Now (had he done so), we would now have a "FIRESTORM" of political rehtoric going off on every side regarding "Why Obama got involved"!!! Oh yeah, it wouldn't have been because Troy Davis was innocent, it would have been because he was "Black"! And "NOW" another set of issues for President Obama to now have to focus on while working feverishly on the Middle East Peace Process between the Israelis and Palestinians. Come on folks, were suppose to still be praying for not only "peace" within the families of both these "victims" but also within the country and while were at it, in the world (that would truly make our President's job a wee bit easier as he works with Israel and the Palestinians).
In one instance, we're saying, "oh God is good and he will see us through", then the next moment we're saying, "The low down dirty President should have done his job, he "aint" for black folks"! Come on yall, don't play into the hands of the enemy this morning (the real one and the ones he has working for, imjustsaying). Let's wake up refreshed and invigorated this morning to "now" get involved and help not only fight injustices that we had the unfortunate opportunity of witnessing last night but also, let's team up together and fight the enemey who seeks to divide and "conquer" us to fight eachother and point the finger of blame at one another because our "will" was not "done" last night! Let's be vigilent in calling out the "enemy", not eachother! God Bless!