Thursday, September 22, 2011

Be On The Lookout Yall, They're "Blaming" the President for Troy Davis's Death....And You Know Who They Are!

So, although I'm on vacation, I arose this mornig ready to work, @ protecting the POTUS. So here it comes, and as sad as it is to say, truly, I think there were some who were quietly hoping (to serve their own more long term interests and agendas) that Troy Davis got executed so that they could now, not only blame the POTUS (for not acting) but also, had he, blame him for getting involved in issues on state levels that he should not have. Yes, could the Pres. have made a last ditch plea to "stay" Troy Davis' execution, possiby and yet probably not suceeding at it based on the Supreme Court's stance on this case. Now (had he done so), we would now have a "FIRESTORM" of political rehtoric going off on every side regarding "Why Obama got involved"!!!  Oh yeah, it wouldn't have been because Troy Davis was innocent, it would have been because he was "Black"!  And "NOW" another set of issues for President Obama to now have to focus on while working feverishly on the Middle East Peace Process between the Israelis and Palestinians. Come on folks, were suppose to still be praying for not only "peace" within the families of both these "victims" but also within the country and while were at it, in the world (that would truly make our President's job a wee bit easier as he works with Israel and the Palestinians).

In one instance, we're saying, "oh God is good and he will see us through", then the next moment we're saying, "The low down dirty President should have done his job, he "aint" for black folks"! Come on yall, don't play into the hands of the enemy this morning (the real one and the ones he has working for, imjustsaying). Let's wake up refreshed and invigorated this morning to "now" get involved and help not only fight injustices that we had the unfortunate opportunity of witnessing last night but also, let's team up together and fight the enemey who seeks to divide and "conquer" us to fight eachother and point the finger of blame at one another because our "will" was not "done" last night! Let's be vigilent in calling out the "enemy", not eachother! God Bless!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Are You Choosing Your Friends Wisely? Do You Even Have Friends? Do Your Friends Encourage or Discourage You? Hmm...

                                 Choose Your Friends Wisely

Do not be fooled. Bad companions ruin good character.” 1 Corinthians 15:33 (TEV)

We need to encourage our children to make friends with people who will pull them up instead of drag them down. The moment your kids start going to school, you no longer have the primary influence on their life. They start to become influenced by their peer group. And the older they get, the more they look to their peers.
So, as a parent, you need to have a conversation with your children about who their companions are going to be. You need to help your kids understand the impact friends have on them and the importance of choosing good friends.
We need to encourage our children to make friends with people who will pull them up instead of drag them down. People who will encourage them and be positive influences in their lives. Because the number one factor that will determine whether they succeed or fail in life is the kind of friends they choose – friends who hold them back or friends who spur them on.
We all want to belong, no matter what our age. We are all looking for friends and connections and acceptance. We want to be a part of a fellowship. Why? Because that’s the way God wired us. The Bible says, “Since we are all one body in Christ, we belong to each other, and each of us needs all the others” (Romans 12:5 NLT).
Therefore, It’s important that we teach this truth to our children, that God created us to belong to others and to need others, because our society teaches the opposite. Our culture is one of hyper-individuality where everyone is a lone ranger. We should only take care of ourselves and look out for our own interests. But this leaves children with no support and no sense of belonging. Is it any wonder depression and other emotional illnesses are on the rise?
The truth is, to live an emotionally healthy life, we need people in our lives. We need HEALTHY, SUPPORTIVE relationships. We need each other. We need the belonging that comes from fellowship with other believers. That’s what the church is for.
Rick Warren.

So I'm wondering, as I read this daily bread, (Adults) Are "we" choosing our friends wisely?  Who are you calling "friend"?  Or do you even have "friends"?  And if you do, are these people truly in your life to lift & encourage or do you find yourself around individuals who are not only dragging you down but are also dragging your dreams & ideas down? Per the post above by Rick Warren, we have to understand that we "need" friendships & relationships, this is what makes us "HUMAN" but what it is also saying is that we have to be careful with who we call "friend". 
The words above were right on time for me as I'm dealing with some issues with Asia & some of her choices in "friendships" @ school.  It's amazing to me that kids have to be taught that they are worth more than how someone may be treating them.  Hmmmm, maybe some of us adults need to be taught this same lesson.  Asia has this friend who is really nice somedays & others, not nice at all.  She thinks this kid is the best friend or person she will ever know so she puts up with this roller coaster of mistreatment from this kid.  Well, this is now where it becomes my job as "parent" to not teach Asia to dislike this kid but to recognize what's a healthy relationship & what's not?  So I presented her with a list of questions to ask herself about this person to determine if they're really her friend or not.  And if that person sounds like a really good friend after she's answerd those questions about them, then it's her choice to continue being friends with them and if not, then maybe she should start to play with & make new friends.  Sounds easy to do for adults but maybe not for a child.....I beg to differ.  I honestly think we, adults, have the hardest time in recognizing & letting go of toxic and unhealthy relationships!  It is extremely important to me to have 'friends', EXTREMELY but for me it's the "quality" of the people around me, not the quantity so now I have to teach this to my easy-going, friend-loving daughter. 
Well, long story  short, as Asia begin to ask herself these questions about this little boy "she", herself, begin to realize that maybe this kid wasn't the nicest person she knew.  Now I do believe she's still friends with him (I mean, she's 6, lol) but I really think (per her conversations about this kid now) she steps back from time to time when he's not being a "good friend" and asks herself these questions and probably decides not to play with him that day. 

1. Can you share your happy stories with this person?
2. Is he happy with you when you share a funny story or talk about your project or family?
3. Does he play with you when all of his other friends are around?
4. Is he nice in front of other people?

Not surprisIngly, her answers to most of these questions were no. Hmmmm..."adults", are you thinking about asking these same questions regarding a possible "unhealthy" friendship?
As hard as this task may be, because of how were all "wired" (to want & be accepted and to want friends), it's so important that we establish good, healthy relationships with people.  I agree, good friendships will ultimatley determine if we succed or fail in life!  So why not take a lesson from our children....step back & reevaluate some friendships, ask some hard questions because "FRIENDSHIPS" are too important not have or to have bad ones!  "Are you choosing your friends Wisely"?


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Could I Be Afraid of Success? Hmmmm......

How does a "mother", who is totally committed to her kids, family, etc. truly find the time in her day (year, month, LIFE) to focus on what she wants to do? Or, should her focus just be on her family? I've come to this place (for the 100th time) that I will just wait, wait until life gets easier, wait until there's time for me, wait until my kids are bigger & more self-sufficient, wait until my focus is solely on me bcuz honestly, "me" is not happening anytime soon. I've even noticed that when I'm in the gym working out, I'm rushing my workouts saying, "nope, I can't do weights today, I can't do Abs.....I have too many errands to run or a dr's appt to get to or check the kids out for their appts or a project to finish, or, yadah, yadah, yada. Is this "double" life truly attainable (I mean, attaining it with your sanity intact, lol). Now I'll be clear, I don't harbor any guilt regarding my situation, I'm convinced that my babies will be fine without me standing over them every waking second of the day, and just as convinced that what needs to get done @ my home will "eventually" get done. So I'm not feeling guilty about wanting to be back in the workforce, nor do I feel guilty about not being able to do everything for everybody (NOT EVEN, lOL!). I think I’m just overwhelmed thinking about trying to literally, "DO" it all' (hint, struggling to balance it all).

So to my point, a really honest and 'tell-it-like-it-is good friend of mine told me that she thinks that I'm afraid of success. Get that, me, afraid to succeed, doesn't even sound right....but could she be right? She's convinced that I use the kids (and all of the "Gabillion" things I have going on with them and my life) as an excuse "not" to do what it is I should be doing, hmmmm!? She says that success is imminent and I know it, that's why I say, "I can't, the kids, my family, my friends". Hmmmmm, wondering, could she really have a point? I feel her, however I don't think I'm "afraid" to actually succeed but maybe afraid that I'm not gonna know how to "balance" the success with my most important gig' right now, which is my family. Afraid that I'll start it and have to stop it and let it all go as I've done so many times in the past because I'm needed more @ home. Hmmmmm, just wondering out loud. So my question, who among you are doing it, holding it down, keeping it all together (well, you know what I mean, to the best of your ability) and are not having to "choose" your career/job/dream over your family?  Anybody out there ever feel really drawn and pulled to do something "else" but didn't move out of fear? Not exactly "fear" that you wouldn't do well but the fear of having to decide which is more important. Would love to hear your feedback, especially from working women (but any and all please feel free to reply)!

Just thinking out loud and wondering, if anyone else has been there, "Afraid to Succeed".

April (STBIA)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sacrifice, What Is It & How Did It Become So Apart of Who I a Wife, Mother, Friend, Etc?

Sacrifice is defined as the forfeiture of something highly valued for the sake of one considered to have a far greater value or claim.  Wow, this statement could not be any truer in my life then it is at this very moment.  Reason: It's 11:00pm and all have settled in comfortably in their beds (including the hubby), warm and snug dreaming of the next days, weeks, heck even months events while I sit up, exhausted, hungry (but that's because I'm a little 'greedy'-Lol) and pleading for a new day because this one was not to my pleasing at all, "Sacrifice!.  It's the new normal for me nowadays and I'll be honest, had I known that in this current role as mother, wife, friend, committee member, etc., etc, that I would be seriously pushing aside alot of my dreams and desires for others I probably would not be sitting here blogging about "Sacrifice":-), lets just be real.  Even though I'm absolutely grateful to no end for what God has done (and let's be clear, is currently doing) in my life with regard to health, strength, my unbelievable family and a strong faith life, I still don't think I would have volunteered for this position knowing what I currently know, it's tough!  However, I know I am who I am "today" because of those people (my husband, my babies & my family) in my life, so big up God!  I thank you everyday for your grace and "mercies" over me and my family!  "However", there are some days I look back and think, "wow, I should have been there by now or doing this by now".  I mean by show of hands, who among you have never had that thought?  Many have but what we've come to understand is that it's all about "Sacrifice", for women I feel ESPECIALLY!

To give up or 'forfeit' something of high value (my dreams, career, goals) for the sake of something or someone considered to have a far greater "Value" (my family and everything that goes with them).  Wow, who would "KNOWINGLY" walk into something that sounds as crazy as that statement does?  We would (and we do it everyday), momas, sistergirlfriends, sisters, aunts, co-workers and so many more!  I think I can admit that deep down I kind of knew that by deciding to get married and soon thereafter decide to have a family that one day that sacrificial part of this deal was going to rear it's little head.  I honestly believe, that in the beginning, we really don't have a clue of the magnitude of what we're soon to be walking into with regard to sacrifice. I know-I know, some of you are probably saying, "I'll give up my life for my kids, husband, family, etc" and I hear that and honestly I've probably made that statement a time or two on this 10-year ride as a wife and mom but I start to wonder, did I truly mean it?  Transparency time!  I can say, at the time I probably made those statements about being ready to take on the sacrifices of life for everybody I love, I probably' hadn't gone through anything, well let's just say I hadn't gone through much so it was very easy for me to shout that to the world but now, hmmmmm, I'm a little on the fence.  Now don't get me wrong, I have been truly blessed (with what and who I have in my life) and make no mistake about it, I'm in this one for the long haul but if we can be honest, I have my moments when I stop and think, "wait, I didn't sign up for this part"!

About a month or so ago I was just recently playing the role of a lifetime as a wife, mom and corporate marketing & public relations representative for a small but growing company here in Atlanta.  Well, the position sort of ended because there was a need that I, as a mom and wife, was not morally able to fulfill.  The job requirements became a bit more than what I was honestly able to handle, not intellectually of course, I mean after all I attended ASU-Lol, but however more physically (hands on travel, etc.) and mentally (more time spent working and away).  As unfortunate as this was for me I knew where my priorities were and that was with my kids (taking care of my family first and foremost).  So after this happened I was a little bothered to be honest and started to really ponder on how women truly deal with sacrifice with regard to career, goals, activities, family, etc.  When I started writing this blog I was in a 'why me' kind of place but as I continued to write (as many who know me know that writing is truly therapy for me) I started to really understand why sacrifice is such a huge part of the lives of most women.  However still, in knowing and understanding the fact that we are the sacrificial bearers, I still want to hear from other women on how they feel about it.  What is that you're giving up for the betterment of your family?  What have you put on hold or on the back burner so that your family is ok and taken care of?  And as I write this, I think about the many women out there who are also sacrificing on the other end.  They're having to go to work in jobs and positions everyday where they're not fulfilled but they have to in order to "provide" for their families, that's sacrifice on a whole other level but we do it because we have to.

So my question is to mostly women but men please feel free to oblige me on this one as well:  Is this sacrifice issue mostly placed upon the woman?  Now, I know there are men out there who are putting it down everyday sacrificing for their families (my husband being one of them) but I want to understand this from the woman's perspective.  I mean, my husband loves his job and his role as father, husband, etc. so I don't really look at what he does as sacrifice but I do understand that there is a certain element of sacrifice on his part for his family but what I'm talking about is having to 'give up' something for something or someone else.  My question, Is Sacrifice mostly looked at as the woman's responsibility when it comes to doing what's best for the family?  I wonder, in most cases, if the situation were reversed and men had to say no to a job or position or opportunity for the sake of their families, would they, should they sacrifice for the benefit of their families?  During the past few years I've had to turn down some pretty decent opportunities because based on what I do, I have to do it full throttle or not at all and having a young family and Major responsibilities at home, the latter is always the decision I'm left with and that's having to not do it all.  Now, let's be 100% clear, I'm not really complaining and griping, well not anymore, Lol.  I've come to realize that this is my life (at the moment) and there will be a time when I can go, do and be all those things that I desire to (and I also find more creative ways to try and do some of those things as well) but as for now, my husband, my children and my family come FIRST and I'm truly (getting) ok with that, lol.  However I decided to blog about this just to find out where most women (and men) are on this issue. 
So, how many of you are in similar situations where you've decided to sacrifice OR FORFEIT or just briefly 'put on hold' your dreams and/or goals for now?  How does it feel and if you've been ok with your decision (to put your dreams and goals and aspirations on hold for now) how did you feel when you initially had to say "No" to that fantastic job, career and/or opportunity (i.e, a promotion on your job, a call in the ministry, a move, or something as simple as just taking time out for yourself)?  How did (or does) it feel when you know you simply just "CAN'T" do it?

Just sharing my commentary, what's yours?

April (STBIA)
Struggling To Balance It All!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day: The importance of Men, or better yet, "Daddies" in our LIves!

Wow, another Father's Day has come and is almost gone and I still can't believe that my husband and I are actually parents! Sometimes I stop and think, how in the world did this happen!!! Well, I guess we all know how it "all" happened (Lol!), it's just seems not real sometimes but I'm loving every moment of this roller coaster ride of 'parenthood'!

Well this morning I got up feeling like any other day, well, it was but not for Herman (my husband), it was his day....Father's Day. See I usually go all out for any day where he's involved, be it his birthday, our anniversary and of course, "Father's Day" and believe me, I "had" some PLANS for him but I don't know, it was a little different this year. I didn't get up on all of the fan fare and banners and sending his moma a card literally thanking her for "birthing" him into the world! Yeah, I use to do that, especially for his birthdays and yes, I was seriously GOOOONNNNEEE (in love) during those days (and still am I might add)-Lol! So no fan fare this year, it just seemed like a year for quiet reverence to me. I didn’t need to shout it to the world or hang banners all through the house; all I wanted to do was thank him! Thank him for being the man that God had called him to be for our family! I wanted to say Kudos to him for stepping up to be the husband and father he was destined to be! You see, for many years I really discounted the true benefits of fathers because I felt like I never really knew what that really was. Okay, to be fair, my daddy was around and he was there (living in the house with me during my childhood years) but I don’t know, I just didn’t think he was a father-father figure. I loved him but didn’t really respect him. I saw my moma be the man in my household. I saw my moma cut the grass, come to basketball and softball games, take us and drop us off at school. I saw her cook, clean, pay bills, change flat tires, and pour water in a hot radiator in the car. I saw my moma be the man, excuse me, the "DADDY" in my house and my daddy was right there, seeing all of this too. See, I truly loved my daddy (and still do) however I just had no respect for him which actually made me kind of have no respect for any man! I figured if she (my moma) was doing all of this by herself then I could too and there was no man that could stand flat-footed, toe-to-toe with me and tell me any different, my moma was my Hero and there was not another like her!!!  Anywhere!

Well, as you can see, this presented a huge problem for me after I got married and had kids of my own. I would ask my husband to do something and if he didn’t do it, gueeessss whaaat.....I did it MYSELF! See I was taught a long time ago that I didn't "need" a man, I wanted one (Thanks for that Kerri) and this type of thinking can be very positive and it can also be very destructive and it became the latter for me. I didn’t respect my husband's authority because I never really respected my father's authority, do you see the trend here? I mean, I would give him ample opportunity to step up and be the man I thought he should be but when he didn’t move like I wanted him to then I became the man. Now tell me, what Christ-centered home could stand long with this type of backwards thinking?  And to add, my daughter (a one day wife and mother) and son (a one day husband and father) were witnessing this very thing that I had witnessed as a child and you know what happens most of the time in situations like this, the children wind up repeating your behavior (as I did my parents). So I had to do some serious soul searching and what I realized was that, my husband was not my daddy and I was not my moma! Wow! I almost hit the floor when I finally got that! Herman use to always tell me, "you better deal with your issues with your daddy or it's going to ruin every relationship you touch" and it almost did!

Well, needless to say, we, well, "I" finally got it together and we lived happily ever after.....not-Lol! Well, not that we're not going to live happily ever after but it took twenty some odd years to formulate that type of, "I can do everything myself" thinking therefore, it's not going to take 5 to turn it all around. I'm a continual work-in-progress and I thank God for that everyday. My relationship with my daddy is actually better than it's ever been and the reason is because I became to understand why he was the way that he was. Not to excuse his behavior but his father and of course, my granddaddy’s father were all brought up in this manner. It "Was" a vicious cycle of disrespect, lack of trust and divorce that ended with me, thank you God! So this leads me to my discussion of "Men"and/or "Daddies" and how and why they are so important in our lives, whether their presence was a positive one or negative, they influence almost every decision (good or bad) that we will make as adults!

My daddy, although he wasn't the model father, I thank God for him everyday and for what he wasn't in my life. Because my daddy was somewhat absent and didn’t really take care of home or us, I learned to be "present" even when I wasn’t there. I realized that I wanted a family and a husband who looked after and cared for not only me but our children. My daddy, although he will probably never know, contributed greatly to my success! My success as a wife, a mother, a sister, an aunt, a friend heck, even a business woman! I am better at all of those things because my daddy wasn't. Sound crazy I guess but I guess a better way to sum it up is, what the enemy meant for bad, God meant for good! See, the devil had it set up a long time ago that my marriage would fail because of my disobedience that was passed down from my father but God had a different plan. God used my struggle and the fact that my daddy wasn't the "man" I thought he should be and he put that desire (to be better) down on the inside of me and then he created a man (just for me) who had those same desires (down on the inside of him) and he made us ONE!

So this is why I say "Men" or "Daddies" are very important in our lives whether we want to accept it or not. My husband (as full of flaws as he is) came into my life and showed me men that loved and took care of their families did exist! His love showed me that I didn’t have to do it all! So this is how I look at the relationships of "Men" in my life, my daddy made me tough and never to depend on people to stay if they didn't want to (I still believe that to this day and probably will forever because I think it is so true) however, my husband taught me that it's STRENGTH in weakness and that it's ok to be vulnerable and that if people did leave (including him, my husband) that it had absolutely nothing to do with me, it was just that their season in my life was over! You see, Men are the head, the beginning all starts with them and if the enemy can trick us to believe that we are (the head and the beginning) then he's already won the battle! Yall let's get back to basics, yeah it hurt when your father walked out of your life and yes, it devastated you when your husband cheated or asked for a divorce but "God knows" it's all a set up to be blessed! Let's forgive this father's day, those who mistreated us and disrespected us and even LEFT us to fend for ourselves! This is the only true way that we will ever understand the importance of "Men" in our lives and in our relationships. It may sound crazy but I am everything I am because of everything my "father" wasn't and I love him so much more today then I ever did.....because I now understand the key role he played in my life!!! Thank You Daddy! 

Be Blessed All & Happy Father's Day to all (FATHERS) reading this!

Struggling To Balance It All!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Charlotte from Sex And The City, OMG!!!

Charlotte from Sex and The City knocked it out of the park for me!  Okay, my girl Bernetta  is blogging about "The Kiss" between Carrie and Aiden (from a wife's perspective) so much to say on that one so check out her blog on Wiffe2010!  However I'm gonna take this from the "Struggling" Moma's perspective!  Now, my disclaimer regarding my opinion(s) of the whole Sex And The City saga, I've never really watched the show(s) so I can't speak from a 'true fan' perspective but seeing their latest flick (And Charlotte!!!), I'm all about this show now-lol, yeah, now that it's over, right-lol!?  Well, to get to Charlotte, she came across, in the beginning of the movie ( and I'm assuming in the previous SATC episodes), as a very sheltered, naive and judgemental mom, woman, girlfriend, etc.  Yall know the type, the ones that's "portraying" that they got it all together and their very world is crashing before their eyes!  Well, I try real hard not to judge folks because I wanna understand "why" they think, act or say the things that they do before I say, "oh yeah, she crazy" (lol!) but this chick was slowly starting to get to me from the onset (of the movie) but then it happened....HER BREAKDOWN!  Okay, not a full fledged breakdown but those of you who've seen the movie you know what I'm talking about....oops', and to those who haven't, SORRY:-).  Anywho, when the "semi-breakdown" happened, Charlotte was doing what all of those mommies with the "S" on their chest do at a time of almost near destruction, "IT ALL"!  Okay, another disclaimer, no way am I saying that we shouldn't do and be all that we "can" for our kids and families, I just think, once we do all that we "CAN" then that's it, Moma's clocking out...break time! Okay, so that out of the way.  As I was saying, Charlotte was baking cupcakes with the kids, holding a screaming baby on her hip while talking on the phone.  All the while her other child was begging for some attention.....does any of this sound vaguley familiar to any mommies out there, yeah it does me, well, to some degree. 

Well Charlotte reached her breaking point when the older child (the one vying for Charlotte's attention) put "RED" paint all over her hands and ran dead into her mommie's backside and put RED painted handprints all over Charlotte's "vintage" pencil skirt!  Yes!  That was it, Charlotte screamed at the little girl, got off the phone, put the "screaming' baby down in her high chair and ran into the pantry to "CRY"!  Okay mommies, this is where the "movie" stops here in this blog and "REAL" life picks up.  By show of hands, how many have gotten to that point?  How many have screamed at your kid for what (after you thought about it) was possibly the smallest infraction?  How many have just walked away (not leaving the kids alone or anything, but let's be clear, that does happen) to get away?  If any of you said no to "all" of these questions, then this blog is probably not for you.  However, if any of you have said "yes" to AT LEAST one of these questions then join the club....YOU ARE NOT ALONE!  At dinner with the Mochas after the show, I began to pose the question to the ladies, who did you most identifiy with and for the most part I think there were varying viewpoints.  Some ladies identified with Carrie (the trendsetting fashionista), some identified or should I say, just loved Samantha and some with Charlotte of course because were all mommies so I think the vast majority had a hint of Charlotte in them but I overwhelming not only identified with Charlotte, heck I AM CHARLOTTE!!!  Or should I say, I WAS CHARLOTTE!!!  There was a point, early in my new mommy days where I thought I had to  have it all together (Thank You God for revelation!)  and one of the reasons I felt this way was because all of the mommies I knew, HAD IT ALL TOGHETHER, or so it seemed! 

See, here in lies the problem (did I say that right, "in lies"-lol).  Too many of us are sending out bad signals to other Women, Mommies, etc.  Many of us are so stressed and tired, heck, let's take it a step further, UNHAPPY even with our lives but we're portraying to the new mom or the mom who's stressed to the max that 'we got this'!  It's almost as if they're feeling that "if you believe the lie I'm putting out here then I'll start to believe it myself"!  Everytime you saw Charlotte (especially in the beginning of the movie) she was always smiling and/or giving very sound and morally upstanding advice.  It seemed as if this woman had set out and accomplished what so many of us are struggling to do, Balancing It All!  I was sitting there like, she's gone crack in a minute, she's got to!  And unbeknownst (is that really a word yall-lol) to me, she did!  Now let's be clear, I wasn't rooting for Kristin Davis' character to loose it but what I was rooting for was some TRANSPARENCY"!   Come on yall, you gotta admit that when she went into that pantry to cry, your spirits leaped up and praised the lord!  My reason for describing it in this way is because God knows and he sees our hearts, our true "spirit man", the one who resides on the inside of us and in Charlotte's case the one that "Cried Out" in that pantry that she could no longer do this by herself!  I loved that moment and it is, for me, the pivotal point in the show, well for women who are struggling with what she was struggling with, the Superwoman syndrome and then not being strong enough to be weak.  It was deliverance time!  Time to be set free from the facade that we can have it all, do it all and be it all (to everybody).....ALL AT THE SAME TIME! Oh, my disclaimer agian, I do believe we can do and be all of these things however with the right support system, prioritizing our life (lol!) and learning to say "No".

Thank you God for releasing me from the bondage of "people" and "perceptions"!  There is no way I could have a blog or fb page or even an organization called "Struggling To Balance It All" if I was at all ashamed to admit that I am (struggling to balance it all)!  My moma told me a long time ago that "sometimes peaches, struggle is God's will".  I mean, could that staement be any truer?  Look at where I am now 'due to my struggle'.  I'm blogging about it and because of the blog some folks (who are honestly going through it yet who may never truly admit that they are) can at least quietly relate to what I'm experiencing and know that they are not alone!  So "Go Charlotte"!!!  You did that girl and I am so grateful that the movie went there and showcased your vulnerablility because we all are (vulnerable).  And no matter how many times it takes us running into the pantry closet, holding the knob on the door "tightly" and LETTING IT ALL OUT, then dont be ashamed to do it!  You do it until you get to the point where you realize that there are so many more Charlottes out there and that you are Not Alone!  And once you realize that, accept it, know it and began to walk in the fact that you are not "Superwoman" and then be ok with the fact that you don't care to be!!!

Just Sharing My Commentary, What's Yours???

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